The Power of One

This weekend Dan and I are going away to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary. We started a quirky tradition of going away for the weekend to stay in a haunted hotel or bed-and-breakfast. This annual marking of our special day provides crazy stories, wonderful memories, and great adventures. I’m so grateful for my husband. I’m so grateful for our blessed marriage. I’m grateful for our health and life together. In fact, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about everything I’m grateful for. The list is long and grew even longer after last week’s blog post. The incredible outpouring of love and support was...well... let’s just say my cup overflows! I’m especially grateful for the opportunity to help others in any way possible on their own journey.  This now also includes my new passion in Uganda. 

God turned my quest for thinner thighs into a much greater purpose by helping “A Child Lives.” Many of you may already know I’m tithing the book profits with this organization to help them drill fresh water wells in the village they support. This has taken my passion for the blog and book to a whole new level. This week I wanted to share more about this amazing organization and the incredible woman behind it. 
Meet Linda McKanna, the founder of “A Child Lives.” She’s my cousin and I am in awe of her. I spent one week, every childhood summer, at my Aunt and Uncle’s farm in Ohio.  Linda grew up there with her eleven siblings. (Yes, 11, you read that correctly!) My Aunt was an amazing woman and taught them all the power of God’s love. Linda started her non-profit organization to ensure 100% of all donations go directly to the people who need it. Linda doesn’t take a salary from the donations to run her organization. This is Linda and her initial sponsor child named Joy.

Never underestimate the power of one person. Linda’s organization is working to transform the village of Namabasa in Uganda. They built a school and named it in her honor.  The school is called, “Linda Good Samaritan.” Thanks to "A Child Lives," Namabasa now has a rain water well that captures water when it rains, but they are working hard to get fresh water wells for the village. They'll no longer have to depend on rain for fresh water. I pray the book, “The Healing is in the R.A.I.N.,” can help.  It seems meant to be from the title alone! The title takes on a whole new meaning from this perspective because fresh water is life. I didn't know I'd be doing this when I wrote the book, further proving God always has a plan.

When I first shared with Linda I wanted to help her on the well project with my book, she said she had a group of woman who would love to hear my story. I assumed it was probably a group of women from her church or from her work. She explained it was actually a group of woman from Uganda. I asked her in astonishment, "They struggle with weight issues?" Linda laughed in response explaining my book isn’t about weight loss. It’s about searching for God. She said you'll never meet a group of women hungrier for the Lord. Perhaps it’s the extreme poverty conditions from living in a third world country. When faith is all you have, there's a desperate need for Jesus. You truly and deeply depend on God to meet all your needs. He’s your only hope. 

Linda is in Namabasa this week and it’s my goal to go with her on the next journey to Uganda! I pray this comes to be and I pray I am there when they drill these wells! Here are pictures, thanks to the power of Facebook, of her journey this past week.

Side Note:
I wrote the above paragraph Wednesday evening. I awoke the very next morning to a text from Linda. The text read, "I will be addressing the women, mothers and widows today. I’ve been praying of when to present your book to the congregation and God’s voice was heard. Seeing how each and every one of these women struggle with everything you wrote in your book, I will be presenting your book on your behalf. I will also share with them that in the near future they will be graced by your presence."

I just wrote my prayer four hours before that text arrived.  I was humbled to tears with the thought I would have anything in common with these women. I guess it really isn't about weight loss.  It's about so much more.  We all want to feel safe, we all want to feel love, and we all want to feel God. It doesn't matter if you live in a city suburb or a third world African village.  We are made in His likeness.  We truly are more alike than we are different.  
Reverend Abraham greets them at Linda Good Samaritan School.
Sally Farnick traveled with Linda on this journey.
The little "Play Me or Trade Me" guy is Mesach.
Linda and Sally making home visits.
Two sisters posing for a picture for their sponsor.

Meet Simon Wuandera.  A few days ago Linda and Sally met Simon because he is with the Ministry of Water and Environment for the Village of Namabasa.  They discussed the possibilities of drilling the fresh water wells. Simon listened to their request and announced he was proud to stand behind them.  He said he would help in any way to make this happen. Obtaining the government’s approval to proceed was the first hurdle.  This is truly a blessing from God. 

Meet Modora. She is taking care of four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Her husband and child both passed away leaving her alone to care for the grandchildren. This week she benefited from recent donations people made to “A Child Lives.” Look into her eyes and you see a strong woman who has lived a hard life. 

Meet sweet Salima. She lost her mother a week ago. Linda and her team were praying for a sponsor for her. Moments before they met with her this week, they received a text from a friend who asked how she can sponsor a child. Linda is telling Salima this week she received a sponsor!  My God shall supply all your needs!  Philippians 4 19

Meet 7 year old Alluvin Matibo.  He’s my sponsor child. October 15th I received word that my little guy fell into a fire and severely burned his leg. He was able to go to the hospital and receive medical attention since he's sponsored. I received word he was released from the hospital and is now recovering. I’m so grateful for the amazing outpouring of prayers from all around the world for this little man who has won my heart. Linda is visiting Alluvin this week to bring his family additional food. She also is bringing them a mattress so they will no longer have to sleep on the ground.
Alluvin’s father abandoned him, a brother and a sister. I don’t know what happened to his mother but they are being raised by a grandmother.  She doesn’t have a job or any means to provide for them. I think that’s why I felt drawn to Alluvin as my first sponsor child. I thought his grandmother is probably my age trying to raise three children all on her own. They often have to live on one meal a day. I’ve been writing Alluvin letters, with pages of stickers and words of encouragement. He wants to become a teacher when he grows up. I want Alluvin to know he matters. I want Alluvin to know God’s love. I want Alluvin to know God cares. I want Alluvin to know God provides and sometimes that help comes through organizations like “A Child Lives.” 
Linda and Alluvin

His burns are healing ~ Praise God!
It’s only $30 a month, just $90 every three months, to provide food, clothing, schooling and medical care to a child. I am so grateful that Alluvin could receive the medical care he needed when he fell into that fire. I cried when I heard the news my special little friend was hurt and I cried with rejoice when I heard our prayers were answered.

This little girl gave her life to Jesus while "A Child Lives" was there!

A cousin of mine sponsors little Faith, a special needs child. She can get the help she needs.

If you're interested in making donations to “A Child Lives,” send to 5954 Montana Creek Drive, Dublin, Ohio or PayPal: (Please use the Friends and Family option so they don’t incur a fee.) A Child Lives is a 501c3 non profit so all donations are tax deferred. If you are interested in sponsoring a special child of your own, you can email Linda directly at

Results for the week: +0.5 lbs lost; Total Lost: 41.5
D.O.W. = 495; Starting weight: 182.0; Current weight: 140.5
(Days on the Wagon = Days of food sobriety - no sugar pig-outs!) 


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