Cauliflower Words

Fact: Negative words can have the same power as a leaking bag of frozen cauliflower thawing on your head.  Let me explain. 

Picture it:  It’s the summer of 1983, right before my senior year, and our last family vacation.  All six of us were piled into one of Dad’s old work vans, and we were headed straight south to Daytona Beach, Florida.  The growing anticipation of seeing Florida and the ocean for the first time was quickly halted when, somewhere in southern Georgia, we came to a complete stop on Interstate 75.  I first must describe the vehicle in which we were traveling so you can fully grasp the true essence of the situation that was about to transpire. 

You see, this work van was truly a work van.  There were only two seats in the very front, Dad was in the driver’s seat and Mom was riding shotgun.  The four of us girls were piled in a bed type platform in the back of the van.  The only windows were on the two front doors, the rear door, and two tiny triangle windows towards the back that barely opened.  (I know this van sounds creepy.)  Oh, I forgot to mention, this work van was without air-conditioning.  Yes, that means we were stuck in the back of a van, in a “parking lot” on I-75 during the dead of summer in Georgia.  We opened the side sliding door to get air, but it didn’t help.  Sweat was dripping everywhere. 

We were renting a cottage right on the ocean.  To save costs, Mom packed a cooler of food.  Eating out with a family of six is expensive.  You can imagine my delight when I got the great idea to see what was frozen in this cooler that would allow us some relief from the intense heat.  We took turns using bags of frozen veggies, putting them on our legs to feel the coolness.  I still don’t know how I was the only one who thought of the genius idea to place a bag of frozen vegetables right on top of my head. No one else wanted to partake in my bit of heaven, but that didn’t stop me!  They would soon wish they had, stopped me that is. 

I selected a bag of frozen cauliflower and plopped that baby right on top of my head.  It felt amazing!  I wasn’t too concerned when the bag started to sweat a bit because I was already sweaty.  Unfortunately, the extra moisture dripping down was really from a slight hole in the bag.  What I thought was condensation from the frozen veggies dripping onto my hair was actually thawing cauliflower juices.  Yes, it quickly became as gross as it sounds!  I’m sure it goes without saying that the smell that soon followed was enough to clear a room, but there was nowhere for my family to go.  We were stuck in this van together.  Quickly, everyone moved to the other side of the van because the stench from my head was ripe, and we had several hours to go before we reached our destination.  Yes, those were good times!

“Words are containers for power, you choose 
what kind of power they carry.”   
 ~ Joyce Meyer ~

Negative words can be like that smelly cauliflower.  Negative words are not just words.  They have power and can clear a room with the stench they create.  God spoke the world into being by the power of His words.  (Hebrews 11:3) Words can empower or they can destroy.  We must be careful about what we say and be aware of what we speak over our life.  Matthew 12:36 tells us “on the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak.”

The temptation to complain, mumble and grumble is strong.  There’s always room on that bandwagon, especially when we are around others who are already beating that drum.  “Girl, you don’t know the half of it; listen to what happened to me!”  The problem is this:  If I change something negative to say something positive, it doesn’t help me feel better if I don’t really believe it.  Words have power, so saying negative things will cause that thing you speak ill of to grow, and you’ll experience more of it.  The way you say things over your life may not allow God’s best to happen for you.  Your words need to bless you and your world. But how do we stop and what do we need to do instead? 

I recently learned of a new idea from Jennifer Allwood to help with this exact situation.  When you are feeling tempted to start talking about where your lack is, end the sentence with, “and that’s just the way I want it.” It will show you how you are cutting yourself off at the ankles without realizing it. 

Let me give you an example.  When we say things like, “I am so overweight.  I feel so fat. Losing weight is such a struggle, and that’s just the way I want it.”  Is that true?  Heck no!  “I’m so confused on what to do next and that’s just the way I want it.”  Should those words be coming out of our mouth?  No way!!

Come back and change it.  “My weight is higher than I want it to be right now and although I’m feeling fat, I am making healthy choices.  I’m taking the steps to be healthier so things are changing, and that’s just the way I want it.”  “I’m so confused on what to do next but I’ve turned it over to God.  God’s showing me the way, and that’s just the way I want it.”  Feel the difference? 

When you change the words about your life, everything can change.  God takes your words seriously.  Your words can make or break your life.  If you’re struggling, pay attention to what’s coming out of your mouth.  Instead of talking about your struggles, talk about what you want.  Speak life into your situation. Negative Nelly and Debby Downer talk is cancerous and can create a room-clearing stench similar to the likes of thawing cauliflower juices dripping on your hair in the midst of a traffic jam in southern Georgia!  Trust me, that’s not the way you want it.

Tony Robbins said, “Throughout human history, our greatest leaders and thinkers have used the power of words to transform our emotions, to enlist us in their causes, and to shape the course of destiny.  Words cannot only create emotions, they create actions.  And from our actions flow the results of our lives.” … And that’s just the way I want it.

Results for the week: +2.2 lbs lost; Total Lost: 37.8
D.O.W. = 510; Starting weight: 182.0; Current weight: 144.2
(Days on the Wagon = Days of food sobriety - no sugar pig-outs!) 


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