Gnat Zapping

The many wonderful glorious blessings, of South Carolina’s warm weather, are concurrently cursed by the very small tiniest of insects known to the local folks as “no-see-ums” or sand gnats. Personally, I think they are pure evil. Perhaps they earned their name because you can’t see them but you can certainly feel them. Officially, they are called biting midges and one stroll outside at dusk, you clearly see why. We are surrounded by 420,000 acres of salt marsh which is supposedly the ideal breeding ground to raise gnat families. The other evening I went outside with Oliver and soon felt the attack of the invisible negative forces at work. Later that night, while I lay awake trying not to scratch the red welts left behind, I started to think how there are many invisible negative forces trying to nip and bite at us. I can get more bug spray for these no-see-um gnats, but what about all the other invisible negative forces, like negative people?

Years ago I saw an interview with Dr. Maya Angelou. She was describing her belief that everything is energy. We are all made of energy, our thoughts are energy, and our words are energy. Walls hold the energy of the words that are spoken inside a home or within the confines of a building. Angry harsh negative words and actions hold a different energy than words of love, kindness and positivity.  Her thoughts rang true to me for I know the feeling of walking into a room and immediately feeling something different, not knowing exactly why. This theory was confirmed by my Mom, when years ago she took a trip with Dad to San Antonio. She told me they went to the San Antonio Alamo Mission at a national park. It was originally founded as a Roman Catholic mission in the 18th century as an education area for American Indians after their conversion to Christianity. Mom said they signed up for a tour of the mission and walked inside. Mom was quickly overwhelmed with such a deep sadness and heaviness that she just had to get out of there as quickly as possible. She let Dad finish the tour on his own for there was no way she could stay inside the church building. Dad later shared with Mom that on the tour they talked about how one of the battles at the Alamo occurred right there on that spot in 1835. Over 200 men inside were killed, in less than two hours, at that exact location.

A deadly massacre is perhaps an extreme example but it shows that there’s something to this. I do believe that all thoughts, words, and actions have energy. I also believe that the energy holds power to influence the feelings of others. This led me to explore the idea of how to positively influence the negative “no-see-um” gnats we come in contact with throughout our day. I’m not talking about someone who’s blatantly after you. I’m talking about the negative Nellies, the life suckers, the people who zap you of all of your energy when you’re around them. They’re exhausting! We all know someone like that. (If you don’t know someone like that, maybe you’re that person. But that’s for another topic of discussion.)

Lately I’ve noticed that I’ll be going through my day in a great mood; all is well. I’ll come in contact with someone and notice my mood take a shift, negatively changing, for no reason. Suddenly I’m feeling more pessimistic, tired, drained, and basically in an overall bad mood. Many times this happens and the people around me don’t even say a word. Why is that? If people around us can drag us down, why can’t we consciously do something to subconsciously raise them up? This exercise was revealed to me in my quest to explore this question. It’s a little weird but caught my attention. Ok, so it’s a lot weird, but on this journey nothing is off limits and worth a try! The concept of this exercise is to raise your own energy level to that of a positive, optimistic, energetic, “all is right with the world” type of person. The basis of the concept is that when someone is a life drainer, their energy is at a low voltage or a lower frequency. The goal is raise your volts and bring them up to your level instead of allowing them to drag you down. It’s all really based on quantum physics, or quantum mechanics, because we are all made of small energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles. The likes of which I do not understand, no matter how many episodes of Big Bang Theory I watch, but it’s in our DNA and it’s all energy. So, why not? I gave it a go which revealed some very interesting and surprising observations.

The Voltage Regulator Exercise 

Six Feet Under: 

Start with grounding yourself. Grounding keeps you in the present and helps you manage your own feelings. It helps you regain mental focus from your emotions of whatever may be going on. Take a deep breath. Breathe in a bright color of light that comes down from the heavens. I use a white light but it can be any color that speaks to you. Close your eyes and watch the light come into the top of your head, travel down your spine through your tail bone. Visualize your light going all the way down, six feet into the earth below you, and spreading out like roots of a big tree. You watch, through your mind’s eye, this beautiful heavenly God light flowing into the top of your head, through your body, and out through your tailbone into the deep of the earth. Have both feet on the floor and feel yourself relax into the floor beneath your feet, allowing the bright light to easily flow right through you.

The Perfectly Perfect Moment:

Once you feel grounded, think of a time in your life when you felt all was right with the world. Imagine yourself in that situation when you felt complete utter happiness and total bliss.  Maybe it's when kissed your love for the first time or walked down the aisle to get married.  Maybe it's achieving a huge amazing goal like finally graduating with that degree.  Maybe it's the first time you held your baby, or new little puppy for the very first time.  Perhaps it’s a place you’ve been. The view is overwhelmingly beautiful, you felt the presence of God, and it was incredible. No matter what the scenario, imagine yourself there in that exact moment.   See through your own eyes and be in that moment.  Smell the newborn baby smell off the head of your baby or the breath of your little puppy. Feel the ocean breeze in your hair as you gaze out over the view of an ocean side cliff.  It’s a moment that all was right with the world! You are not observing yourself in this state for you are in this state. See yourself, looking through your eyes, and feel every single thing about it. Experience what you see, smell, and feel in that moment.  Stay there, in that scene, and take a deep breath to take it all in. Notice how you feel in your body. You may feel light and bubbly in your chest and perhaps now have a smile on your face.  Once you feel completely in that moment open your eyes.

R & R - Repeat and Repeat:

It doesn’t take long to do this, and with practice, you can get into this higher energized state quite quickly. I started to practice this exercise several times throughout the day. I did it first thing in the morning when I pulled into the parking lot at work. I also did it several times throughout the day to keep my energy up and mood up. I repeated several times each day during the week.


Right away, the biggest change I notice is with my own feelings and mood. Even though it’s a “PMS” week, I didn’t have any mood swings and felt in a much better mood all week. (I know that may be too much information, but we are all about keeping it real.) The exercise gets easier the more I do it. The first day was awkward and weird. It was much easier and felt natural by the end of the week. I feel stronger, higher energy, and see improvement in my workouts. Could that just be my imagination?

I specifically performed the grounding exercise prior to a meeting early in the week. The meeting started off exceptionally well and considerably more positive than usual. I feel empowered and feel clearly that I’m onto something. That was until it went downhill really fast. Towards the end of the meeting someone made a negative comment, directed at me, about something I’m involved in. It immediately zapped my good feeling high voltage mood in a lightning bolt split second! What just happened?

Clearly, it’s impossible to raise every energy level, there’s always going to be something. I do realize that I need to repeat this exercise to keep my own energy level up and not allow others to negatively impact it with one snide comment. I do start to notice an increase to positive things happening around me with others, in their mood, and conversation. I don’t know if that’s because I am actually raising people’s frequency in a positive way or just because I’m so focused on positivity. What you focus on you create more of and that may have something to do with it. But I do notice I’m personally complaining a lot less, which makes me feel better. Tons better!

Towards the end of the week I’m getting better at the exercise and I’m certain that will continue with additional practice. I start to repeat the exercise when I start to feel my own mood shift as a precaution of energy suckers around me and that helps to maintain a better feeling. I also get creative with my healing white God light that flows into my head. During many meetings I secretly perform the exercise. It’s become a sort of continual prayer. I see the light come into my head, down into the ground, and flow out through other people around me. I send the healing white light of love and confidence to key people who seem to be struggling. I try to zap them in a positive way before they have the opportunity to drag the rest of us down. I send them the angelic white light of healing so that God can touch them and give them a feeling of confidence, peace, and love.

No matter how many gnats you need to zap during the day, clearly the best exercise to continuously do is to pray. Mark 11:24 says, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” The Bible tells us to “rejoice always and to pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18.) I realize that energy, especially the positive kind, is a precious commodity. It's not something you should willingly give up to the negative power of those who would steal your energy. Instead, keep a positive attitude and surround yourself with positive people who leave you feeling upbeat and energized. In the words of Helen Keller, "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow."

Results for the week:  -3.0 lbs lost; Total Lost: 40.6

D.O.W. = 287

Starting weight:  182.0; Current weight: 141.4


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