There's No Such Thing!

Can you imagine my excitement when the invitation arrived for my niece’s bridal shower indicating, “Royal Tea Party ~ Hat Required”? My dress matched the wallpaper, inside this vintage Victorian mansion, and my hat was straight off the wall of my own guest bedroom. I decorate with antique hats and the opportunity to actually wear one was divine! We had a grand time!

This pink tea house sits nestled off the side of a rolling country road and the owner, Kim Evans, shared her story with us on how the tea house came to be. Gathered on the grand front porch, waiting for the other guests to arrive, Kim shared her story. Years ago her daughter injured her ankle in a high school cheerleading accident. The treatment for the injury revealed her daughter suffered from a neurological disease that was rapidly progressing throughout her body, causing limited motion, and partial paralysis of her limbs. They visited countless doctors, hospitals, and specialists, only to be told there was nothing they could do. 

One day a friend invited Kim to a healing prayer service and told her to bring her daughter. What did they have to lose? Tears filled Kim’s eyes as she shared what happened next. She said a group of people laid hands on her daughter and prayed healing prayers over her. Kim exclaimed, “It was truly a miracle from God!” Her daughter’s feet had atrophied and were swollen to a size 11. She said by the time they returned home, her daughter’s feet were back to their normal size 7. Her daughter was easily walking on her own and later that same evening she actually went for a run! They couldn’t believe it! They were nervous at first, wondering if the results were temporary for what was previously a hopeless and permanent condition, but this was over seven years ago. Her daughter never showed any signs of this affliction again and her doctors claim she’s completely healed.

Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him 
and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 
~ James 5:15 

When the women in my family get together the topics of discussions can range from a shoe sale at Macy’s, to solving world hunger, and everything in between. This particular day, as we were driving down to our special tea party, the topic of discussion was about God and miracles. We talked about how we believe healing miracles from Biblical times still occur today. We talked about spiritual gifts and how some people have the gift of healing. We talked about how it’s all about love. What an amazing feeling to have this exact discussion prior to our arrival at this glorious place and have a woman share, first hand, the receiving of such a miracle!

A coincidence? There’s no such thing.

Standing on that porch, hearing this testimony, made me think about my Dad and all the times we prayed for his miraculous healing that never came. I can’t help but wonder why some people receive healing and others don’t. That’s a question I’m convinced no one truly knows the answer to. I believe this is one of life’s mysteries we’ll only understand once we cross over to the other side ourselves.

Last week, the girl who takes my salad order at Chipotle, shared she was going to give her two week notice because she needs to help take care of her father who is dying of colon cancer. I eat there several times a week and see her each time. I shared how my Dad died from the same thing and told her I would pray for her father. This past Tuesday I felt compelled to bring to her a copy of my book and I flagged the chapter about Dad’s passing. I knew I still had a few weeks left to bring it to her but just felt so compelled to bring her the book on Tuesday. I don’t know why this particular day had to be the day, but it just did.

This restaurant is usually packed at lunch time with a line extending all the way to the door. I wasn’t sure how to discreetly hand her the little white box, without causing disruption to the rush hour lunch crowd, but knew this was the day I had to get my book to her. Imagine my surprise upon arriving to see there literally was no one in the restaurant. I walked right up to the front of the line. I don’t know where the other workers were, but the only person behind the counter was her! It was just the two of us! I handed her the white box and explained it contained a book I recently wrote. I shared that I flagged a special chapter for her because I wrote about my Dad. She smiled gently and thanked me so much. She came around the counter to give me a hug and shared her Dad passed away yesterday while she was at work.

Why was I so compelled to get that book to her on this particular day? Why was the restaurant completely empty at the exact moment of my arrival? A coincidence? There’s no such thing.

Cheryl Richardson said, “There are no coincidences. Every event we experience and every person we meet has intentionally been put in our path to help raise our level of consciousness.” Perhaps God may not answer our prayers for healing in a way we expect but I do believe God gives us what we need to get through whatever we’re going through. Albert Einstein said, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” 

God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. 
~ Ephesians 3:20 

The owner of the sweet tea house, Kim, said they named their business “Remember When Tea Room” because she wanted her family to always “Remember When” God was faithful to His word. A coincidence?  

Women are like tea bags. You never know how strong they are until they’re put in hot water. 
~ Eleanor Roosevelt 

Results for the week: -1.0 lbs lost; Total Lost: 42.0
D.O.W. = 449; Starting weight: 182.0; Current weight: 140.0
(Days on the Wagon = Days of food sobriety - no sugar pig-outs!) 


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