The Wheels are in Motion

This blog was started in the spirit of keeping things real. The journey has been about losing weight, the struggles, celebrating triumphs, and accepting failures. Now the journey is fighting to keep the weight off, which is almost harder. The accompanying ups and downs are just as personal and difficult making me wonder, will I ever figure this out? This week I decided, in the spirit of keeping things real, the journey now also involves marketing the book born from the blog. If you know me, you know that I’m not exactly a marketing expert. The truth is quite the opposite. I don’t know jack about marketing, so I’m flying by the seat of my pants here, trying to figure it out. I’m honestly making this up as I go. (My Dad would not be surprised to hear this; I think he thought that’s how I did a lot of things.)

I figure you’ve been with me on this weight loss journey of discovery, why not take my friends on the journey of trying to market a book? Yesterday I was going to town playing the internal “what if” scenario that often plagues our minds when we put ourselves out there. What if I send out all these books to magazines, TV shows, radio stations, and podcasts, only to get rejected? What if I tell everyone I sent all of these out and now they’ll know if nothing happens? What if I never make enough money to pay for a well in Africa, my editor, or be able to do this full time, like I wish? What if it’s all for nothing and…? What if?

I asked myself “what if” over a hundred times this past week and was reminded of a dinner party we attended at a friend’s home many years ago while living in Arizona. There was a man there who was a local high school swim coach. He told a story about how his women’s swim team made it to the State Championship that year. The girls on the team were so nervous and scared while preparing for meet day. He said they were all starting to spiral down into the depths of the what if game, describing all the bad things that could go wrong, and wondering what if all the horrible scenarios happened. He sat them all down and made them close their eyes. He asked them to take a deep breath and then he asked, “What if this day turns out to be your best day ever? What if this day you swim so well and beat your best time? What if this day turns out to be the greatest day you remember for the rest of your life?”

Always trust your instincts; they are messages from your soul. 
They are that inner part of you that strives to make you whole. 
~Author Unknown

Recently I stumbled across a writing exercise that I had to try. If you’ve read much of my blog you know I’m a sucker for a good writing exercise and this one was no exception. The timing was divinely perfect. The purpose of this exercise is to tap into your soul. You sit in a quiet place, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and ask this one simple question. “Soul, what do you want me to know?” 

I did this exercise this week, in the midst of playing the “what if” scenario game. The process started out pretty slow, and for a moment I didn’t think anything was coming to me, so I just sat there. After a while I start to hear that still small voice that I know is not my own. I wrote this question, “Soul, what do you want me to know? Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing? What do you want me to know?” After a long pause I started to hear Olivia Newton John sing in my mind, "Suddenly, the wheels are in motion and I'm ready to sail any ocean."  I kept hearing "The Wheels are in Motion.” I have no clue where that came from but then these words were placed on my heart as I wrote the response on the page. 

Meditate – slow down – you worry too much. The wheels are in motion, like the song. The wheels are already in motion. Breathe. Slow down, take your time, it is okay. It all will work out. It’s already worked out, so no need to worry or stress. You are protected. It’s okay. Just breathe. You already know what to do. Just keep taking the steps that are presented to you because you are doing the right things. You already are there. Just allow it to happen. Stay calm and allow. One step at a time, one day at a time. It’s all working out the way it should and it’s happening. Enjoy the journey because it’s all laid out in the heavens and we enjoy watching it happen for you. You’ve worked hard. Stay focused on the good. Stay positive, stay joyful, for it is already given. You will see. Be grateful - be happy - and be full of anticipation for the joy is in the unfolding of all that you’ve created. You are loved. You are not alone.

I went back and read this over about a dozen times to allow it to sink in. Wow… The truth is, we can play the “what if” game forever on anything in our lives. If we have faith everything happens for a reason, then we can have faith everything is working out the way it’s supposed to. It sure is a lot easier said than done. It’s scarier when we feel vulnerable or when we worry what others think. When you’re doing something for the good of God, then it doesn’t matter what others think. Have faith that everything is unfolding the way it is supposed to. Germany Kent said, “Let your life reflect the faith you have in God. Fear nothing and pray about everything. Be strong, trust God’s word, and trust the process.” 

The next time you start beating to the rhythm of the “what if” drum, stop yourself. Take a breath, slow down, and remember. Remember there’s no need to worry or stress. Remember whose child you are! Remember that no matter how things turn out, they are turning out the way they are supposed to. Remember the words of John Mayer, “Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, be strong and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.” Remember when you are flying by the seat of your pants, angel wings are carrying you.

Results for the week: +0.4 lbs lost; Total Lost: 41.0
D.O.W. = 434; Starting weight: 182.0; Current weight: 141.0
(Days on the Wagon = Days of food sobriety - no sugar pig-outs!) 


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