Get real!

It’s time to get real.  Let’s talk- I’m 51 years old and I am 50 pounds over-weight.  Yup, there, I said it.  I weigh 182 pounds and I no longer care who knows because, well, you can tell and who am I kidding with these “flowy shirts?”  I’m not fooling anybody, especially me.  It’s time to get real!
Following the lead of my best friend and husband, I am creating this blog to form a community of accountability.  I’m putting this out there by going public with my struggle.  I’m fat.  This year I am going to win at losing it once and for all.  My goal is to lose the weight before my husband’s first state power lifting competition, which is in December.  Why?  Well, it’s easy to start a new plan every Monday but when the world knows your intention that is motivation to make it happen.  I need accountability and if, by doing it this way, I help one other person, then it’ll be completely worth the embarrassment and humiliation of my struggle.  I know I’m not alone.  My goal is to inspire others and help other people by making my struggle and journey to healing public. 
I am 50 lbs overweight and I am full of excuses.  I yo-yo dieted my entire life starting in my teens, learned how to feel bad about my body from Cosmo magazine and struggled to look like the petite lean ballerinas I would see in my dance magazines.  Four years ago, while taking diet pills from a Dr, I got down to my goal weight by dropping 45 lbs but I was scared to death.  Since I never addressed the emotional side of things I was petrified and felt like I was one meal away from gaining it all back.  I managed to diet my way back up and now need to lose over 50 lbs. 
During the past four years I’ve used the excuse that I had a bully for a boss, off the chart stress on top of the death of my father one year ago.  But I now see that the real reason for gaining it all back is that I never felt worthy of my success.  I never felt I deserved to have it and I realized that this self esteem situation is why I have found myself where I am today, starting each morning off ready to be “perfect” and with all the best intentions, only to end each evening in utter and complete failure.  This has been the pattern for the past four years.
I refuse to give up and I am committed to believing in myself.  I do this with the grace of God and with God’s help.   That’s the only way this is going to happen.  God promised me if I do the work, He will produce the results so let’s get to work!  God wants us to be free.  God wants me to be free.  I refuse to live out the rest of my days feeling like a stranger in my own body and trying to hide behind baggy clothes.  We just moved to the hottest place in the country in summer, South Carolina, and I refuse to put on shorts because of the situation going on down there, what alone a bathing suit.  I want to LIVE!  I also want to live a healthy & long life. 
So, here it is, me writing putting myself out there.  I’m also writing to say I am going to lose 50 lbs by December and that’s it!  It is happening because I will make it so!  May it be so, Lord; may it be so.
“Healing rain is coming down; it brings mercy; it won’t be long; it’s coming closer to the lost and found; Tears of joy and tears of shame are washed forever in Jesus’ name.”


Unknown said…
Sandy, awesome! Good for you! I am happy for you and your newly found determination and soon freedom! Sending love and healing energy your way. Jenn
gjbApacheJunction said…

Sandy, you are so brave and always have been amazing. There is no doubt that you will accomplish your goals for your health and well being with the strong faith that I know you have. My prayers are with you dear friend.
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you, Jen! There is something liberating about shining a light in the darkness so it can heal. The out pouring of love & support is amazing. I'm so grateful to have friends like you in my life.
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you so very much! I was scared when I hit the "share" button; really scared but now I feel strong and I feel very loved. Thank you for your prayers!
Unknown said…
You are so brace and amazing!!! Good for you!! I could write exactly the same thing. EXACTLY. Ok, how we doing this?
Sandy Wade said…
THANK YOU! This means so much to me! I am committing 110% to eating less and moving more. I'm using MyFitness pal to track my food and working out every day. My goal is to do at least 1 hour of exercise each day while meeting my calorie goals. I'm so excited because, although it was scary to hit the "share" button, finding out how many others feel the exact same way as me has been divine intervention. I am not crazy; I am not alone! Let's do this together!!
Rosemary730 said…
Sandy, that's a bunch of weight to lose by December. Please don't be so hard on yourself. Just make changes slowly with good life-changing habits and exercise. You are such a beautiful, smart and loving woman and you just need to know you will be fine.Having been through WW several times when I was young, I realized that when I reached my goal, I still had corns on my toes and pimples and freckles on my face.😊 Take your time and do it for you, you're worth it! You can do this!
Anonymous said…
Sandy, You are beautiful! Never doubt that! I wish you the best with your goal.
Anonymous said…
Sandy, you are the strongest person I know and I know you can do it! I too had to change for myself and want to live as well.
Unknown said…
Hi Sandy- I'm doing this with you. Joining Weight Watchers + Meetings, on July 5th. My goal is 60 pounds by my next birthday in May. My joints will be happy, my overall health will be improved, but mostly, I'll feel more confident in my own skin. I need the public accountability of showing up and friends like you who get it. Let's be gentle in spirit and mighty in will. We got this! Annette
Tami said…
Sandy, u should know, as kids n teens, u were the skinny one. I was the fat kid who always wanted to be like u. Love yourself girl. You are loved by so many for who you are. Loosing weight is great. But u are greater than the weight. You can win this battle. But know that the weight thing has been a lifetime journey for me. Love u girl!!!
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you much! I've never felt more loved and sure that this will work! Coming out of the "shame" closet was the best thing I've ever done! Thank you Aunt Rosemary- I love you!
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you so much! I'm actually excited and I've never felt that way about this journey any other time!
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you! I know it can be done; we are worth it!
Sandy Wade said…
Seeing this just made my day! I always thought I would "figure it out" and then write a book to inspire others but the big secret is to inspire each other while on the journey! We got this!!!
Unknown said…
I am so proud of you. I too know the struggle. I love you and I know you will succeed.
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you! I can feel the love & support from everyone that I know this will happen.
Sandy Wade said…
Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts as you join WW today! We are on this journey together and I am so happy for you; for US!
Unknown said…
You are truly an inspiration! I'm in SC also and yes it's hot. I live in Myrtle Beach. Kudos for you 'putting it all out there ' I have about 80 lbs to lose and have only dipped my toe in. Thanks!
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you for this note! This means the world to me. I have to say that hitting the share button a month ago was the scariest thing I've ever done but also the most liberating! It's been a life changer! I will keep you in my prayers and pray for guidance for you in your journey....
Brenda C said…
Dear sweet friend, You are such a beautiful soul and I am truly blessed to call you my friend. Sorry it has taken me so long to come here, to your blog. I think I was afraid it would make me face my own "excuses". I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to read your other posts. You are an inspiration!
Allison said…
Found you through FB group. Just now getting ready to start my own weight loss journey. I have a pretty good exercise regiment, but my eating... Get fit in the gym, lose weight in the kitchen! Charge!!!

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