What's the plan? What are you doing? How are you going to get there?

Hitting that little tiny blue “share this on Facebook for the world to see” button was probably one of the absolutely most frightening thing I’ve ever done but it also has turned out to be the best thing.  The truth shall set you free and I feel free indeed.  Hope Floats was the first movie Dan took me to when we were first started dating in 1998.  The ending lines from that movie have stuck with me over the years. “Beginnings are usually scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s what’s in the middle that counts.  So when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up.  And it will.”  The love, support and out pouring of inspiring messages that flooded my inbox has given me great hope to know that I did the right thing and I am at a new beginning.  

What’s the plan?  What are you doing?  How are you going to get there?  I'm thrilled many others want to join me on this new beginning.  There's no secret plan or magic solution.  I plan to do it with hard work and dedication.  My plan is pretty simple but not easy.  How am I going to do this?  Eat less & move more is the plan, period.   Diets do not work; clearly I’m the scientific study from the past 39 years.  (I honestly had to get out my calculator to do the math of how long ago I was 12…)  I am logging what I eat into myfitnesspal because that helps me see what and how much I’m eating.  I’ve made my diary public if you’re nosey like me. 


The 2nd thing is to work out- daily- for an hour.  No excuses.  No skipping workouts because I had to work late.   No cutting the workout short because I just don’t feel like it and spending the rest of the time talking to Mom on the phone while soaking my feet in the swimming pool.  (I only did that once.)  It seems pretty straight forward but I know it will not be easy.  That’s where this blog comes into play.  I know that on those days that I want to cut it short and phone it in, I can’t.  I can’t let the blog down.  It’s taken on a life of its own. 

The 3rd thing is keeping my promises & staying true to me.  This means I give it all I’ve got.  I truly am honest in tracking what I’m eating and how much.  If I tell myself that today we do 30 minutes on the elliptical, we don’t stop at 29 because it’s “close enough.”  This is about truly doing the best I can do.   

The last thing is that doing my absolute best is good enough; I do not have to do it perfectly.  If I mess up, which I will, I move on quickly and put it behind me.  There’s no need for an internal bully beat down session in my mind, I simply forgive and move on.  So- I promise to do all these things for me and for my blog.  I also promise to continue to be brutally honest about my own truth and struggles because so far this whole putting it all out there feels pretty darn good! 

I plan to blog and report my weight every Saturday.  I’m putting this out here now because so many of you want to go on this journey with me and I wanted to share what my plan is to reach my goal.  So, until Saturday… 

OH, there is one more thing.  The actual very last and most important thing is to pray.  I plan to pray about this and turn my journey and my health over to God each and every day! 


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