Hi Mom, It's Me!

In memory of Carol Musser  March 21, 1943 ~ May 16, 2023


Aunt Carol ... Grandma ... Grandma Great ... I knew her simply as Mom, but there was nothing simple about this woman.

Mom always wanted six kids but they had to stop at four because she got so very sick every time she got pregnant. Family was everything to her! EVERYTHING.

They raised us four girls in a tiny house on County Line Road at the very edge of town. She created a magical childhood for us across from that big red barn and endless corn fields. Four little girls who often dressed alike wearing clothes mom would sew for us. She sacrificed for her family, constantly putting herself last to ensure our needs were met.

Mom had a career as a nurse when she met dad. She gave that up to be able to stay home with her four little girls. I remember watching her study to take a test to be on the volunteer rescue squad in our little town. I was barely taller than the table’s edge so she did that while we were still pretty young. What an amazing example she was to us of how you can do anything you set your mind to. 

She was our biggest cheerleader.

I'm also forever grateful she laid a strong foundation in our faith. She was pretty strict about a lot of things I didn’t understand, something I grew to appreciate as I got older.

Growing up we constantly had adopted grandparents in our lives that weren't blood relatives but they were family. It's no surprise to me that spending any time with mom in her room at the nursing home, total strangers would stop in to say, “Hi” to "Aunt Carol." I have cousins who told me they were grown when they realized mom wasn't actually their grandma. Everyone is family and always welcome. That's the kind of woman my mother was.

I remember the very first time I ever heard my mom use a curse word. I think I was 15! We were on a family vacation in Daytona Beach. Her teenage daughters wanted to spend the day at the beach but mom had planned for us to go to Epcot Center. She laid down the law that we were going to Epcot Center and we were going to have a good time, adding a single curse word for emphasis. All of us were in such shock. We burst into laughter because we couldn't believe it. But we did have a good time, a great time in fact! Mom was usually right! Something I didn't realize until I was about 24 years old.

I went through a rough patch during that time, made some mistakes. Life can sometimes get messy. Mom taught me that family loves each other through it, family shows grace and family forgives.

Living in big cities for my adult life I have had long commutes to work. Poor mom would patiently listen to me almost every single day on the phone while sitting in traffic. Sometimes twice a day!! I'm sure she had other things to do but she would keep me company and we would talk about everything! We would laugh at how long we could stay on the phone once cell phones came out and we didn’t have to pay by the minute.

Flying back home for her funeral I overheard a girl on her cell phone say the words, “Hi mom. It’s me.” It sadly reminded me of my calls to mom. A month ago I told mom I would still call her after she went on to heaven, I just won’t be able to easily hear what she’s saying back to me but I told her I would try.

I believe your last breath on earth is your first breath in heaven. I’ve heard it said that when you enter into heaven you are greeted by those who have gone before you. Mom was the last person alive in her entire large family, not to mention Dad. I have no doubt there was an incredible family reunion.

The last few years were not easy for her. She suffered greatly with a rare disease and it was painful to watch. Even until the end she never grew bitter or angry with God for what was happening. Mom was a Godly woman with her faith. I take faith in knowing that now she is having her chance to find out why this happened and it all makes perfect sense. Jesus is explaining it all to her. I have faith that I will see her again and find out for myself.

Hi mom, it’s me. I hope you know how much you were loved by all who knew you. I hope you know what an amazing woman you were and I hope you know how very much we are all going to miss you.

As you take your final steps in your journey home, feel the love from a life well lived. I have no doubt you are hearing the words, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

I’ll end this the same way I would always end our daily calls, I love you mom, talk to you tomorrow.



Anonymous said…
Powerful and moving. Well done. Your mom heard every word.
Unknown said…
What a beautiful tribute to your mom. So sorry for your loss Sandy!
Anonymous said…
You reminded me to love more and appreciate those that are still with us. I talk to my mom everyday, I love her so. Thank you for writing this. Your mom is proud.

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