The Journey Continues

Here we are again.  

July 1, 2017, I started this blog and it’s been a very long time since I’ve posted but I find myself 10 pounds away from where I was when this entire journey began.  Sure, I can list a whole slew of reasons of why I gained so much back but reasons easily turn into excuses no matter how valid and I don’t want to play the victim.  

It has been a long year of healing medical issues from colitis, anemia, thyroid to hormones, but now I have no excuse.  Now it’s up to me… again… and I’m ready to go down this path once more.  The difference is that I’ve learned so much from writing my book and I’ve grown a lot from who I was six years ago.  Blogging worked for me before so I’m counting on it working for me again.  I don’t care if anyone sees this.  If it helps just one person it will be so worth it.  If it only helps me, well, I’m worth it! 

Who writes a book about how they found themselves and lost all this weight to only gain it back?  Yeah, that would be me.  The first thing I need to work on are my thoughts about this situation.  The negative self-talk can easily set up shop in my mind and send me down the path of shame, embarrassment, and topped off with a good old dose of, “You’re a big fat failure.”   

However, those thoughts don’t serve me.  I’m working on thinking thoughts of love, kindness, and bravery.  I know I was brave to put myself out there six years ago and I know it takes even more courage to put myself out there again, keeping it real. 

This week I saw this picture of myself taken at work.  I immediately made a joking comment about how my hips were screaming at me, “For the love of God, woman… eat a salad!”  I also made a crack about my chubby face.  A young woman on the team stopped me in my tracks.  She said that she never allows other women to criticize themselves around her.  She said, “My college mentor once told me to not be negative towards myself because there are always people being negative about me for me.”   That hit me hard.  I knew better than to give my negative self-talk a voice.  God has a way of using other people in our lives to teach us. Lesson learned! 


I now look at this picture and see a strong woman who’s been through a lot this year but is now embarking on a brave new journey.  Thanks for joining me on this journey.  My prayer is that my struggles and blog sharing will help someone, even if that someone is only me. 

See you next week!


Linda said…
I’m right there with you sister! ❤️
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you, Linda! Just like before... I quickly find out I'm not alone. It seems no matter what we're going through there is someone always going through the same thing. I'm so glad I pushed the button to post this blog today.
Dan Wade said…
I love you so much, so proud of you always. May God bless your journey!
Anonymous said…
I hope you continue to have glimpses of your soul and the beauty that God has put in you. We are not the same as we were 6 years ago and we won’t be the same six years from now.
(Lord willing). You are as valuable now as you ever were!
Laurie Majors said…
Ooppps…forgot to sign in as Laurie Majors
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you, Laurie! I did read an article once about how our cells completely change over every so many days and that's why we do change, even on a cellular level. I agree - Praise God we can change and become different over time.
Brenda Campbell said…
So happy to see you here again my friend. You’ve been missed!
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you, Miss Brenda! I've missed you and blogging...

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