Brain Power

Never under estimate the power of accountability and the power of thoughts! Thanks to both, I’m down 4 pounds this week!

Last Sunday afternoon I wrote this question in my journal, “How do you change your self-image to be a naturally thin woman?”  I sat there and just stared at the words on the page. 

Years ago, I thought I beat this mind struggle of thinking of myself as someone who can't control her weight.  I’m either gaining or losing.  I realized I still think of myself that way.  My self-image is still of someone who will always struggle with her weight.  I think I’m someone who will always have “issues” in this area.  But I don’t want that anymore.  I realize to change I need to change my self-image.

I read my question over and over.  I prayed over the question.  Then it came to me and I wrote these words, “Work on your thoughts and then look for evidence to show yourself it’s true.” 

What thoughts does a naturally thin woman have about herself?  How does my future-self think?  My future self is not obsessed with weighing, tracking and counting.  She’s not obsessed with food.  She doesn’t even think about it.  She naturally chooses what’s best for her body and does so in moderation.  She feels her feelings instead of eating them.  She is a disciplined woman.  She eats healthy.  She’s active.  She feels free from all of it.

Each day this week I captured evidence of things that I did that supports the new thoughts I want to have about myself.  Each day I wrote, “Evidence I’m a naturally thin woman.” I then listed all the little, seemingly insignificant things that actually did provide my brain evidence.  They were all small things but the first thing I wrote was “I left a few bites of my sweet potato on my plate at dinner last night.” My future-self stops eating when she’s satisfied and doesn’t feel the need to clean her plate. 

This week was truly a step in the right direction.  It was a small step, but still a step.  For the first time in a longtime I have hope. There is still A LOT of work I need to do on my thoughts, but this week I’m reminded that we are all an unfinished work in progress.  One of the good things about life’s challenges is we get to find out that we’re capable of being for more than we ever thought possible.  God’s not done with me yet. And for that I'm forever grateful.


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