Girl in the Bubble

I wake up several times a night and my mind is racing, replaying a work crisis or an itemized to do list for the next day.  It’s difficult to intentionally change my thoughts to something else but I try, every time.  I literally say to myself, “5-4-3-2-1 – think of something else.”  I will attempt to plant thoughts in my mind of trees or clouds but often I’ll think, “How it is possible a little 15 pound dog can take up so much room in this bed?”  Poor quality sleep is creating a hole in my bucket. 

Upon waking I listen to the morning news and the worry is overwhelming.  “Detectives investigate another shooting.  They are evacuating several Targets across the country for bomb threats.  There’s another shooting in an elementary school.”  I try to listen to music but most days it’s the news.  Sadly, the same reports echo across the country.  Potential terrorist attacks, bomb threats, shootings and government drama create so much worry.  We almost feel immune to it but the underlying state of constant upheaval is there.  I can feel it.  I think of my grown nieces and nephews and the little young ones.  What does the future hold for them? I pray about it but I still worry.  This underlying wave of concern is creating a hole in my bucket.

Several meetings occur throughout my work day.  The pressure of corporate America deadlines and bottom lines is everywhere.  I try to stay positive at work but the heaviness can often make that difficult.  It’s too easy to succumb to the negativity.  Friends in completely different industries seem to experience similar pressures.  Negative work stress is creating yet another hole in my bucket.

Cynthia Lewis said, “A tiny hole can empty a great big bucket.”  It takes a full bucket to have the energy for success in the pursuit of your goals and dreams.  Empty buckets can potentially lead to emotional burn out, failed relationships and physical health issues.  My concern is empty buckets can also lead to falling off the wagon with sugar cookies, lots and lots of sugar cookies!  This week the question I seek to answer is how do I plug the holes in my bucket? 

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Ray Thill said, “If your bucket has holes in it, nothing is going to fill those holes other than God.”  When I become overly worried, it’s usually because I feel I’m taking the world on alone.  When I’m at peace, it’s usually because I remember who is really in control.   God showed me the bible verse Philippians 4:6 this week.  Paul wrote this when he was in prison, a dungeon really, yet he says to rejoice in the Lord.  He is saying don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything.  To pray is to let go and let God take over.  This week I set out to find ways to keep joy and happiness a priority in the midst of everyday life.  I set out ways to plug the holes in my bucket.  God revealed four ways to me this week to do just that.

Paul tells us to not worry about a thing and turn it all over to God.  Psalm 55:42 says to cast your burdens on the Lord.  This week I started something new for me.  Driving into work I turned off the radio and drove in silence.  I literally spoke out loud and talked to Jesus saying this prayer every morning.  “Lord, please surround me with a bubble of your protection.  Let all aggressive or negative words bounce off of me and not affect me.  Keep me safe.  I turn all problems over to you to help guide me and my team to solutions.  I lift up my co-workers so they feel safe and protected.”  A major problem was resolved on Monday and I slept so well that night. Several times throughout each day I reminded myself that I was in the bubble and didn’t allow anything to get to me.  I even started to visualize this invisible bubble around me, especially in stressful meetings and the impact was amazing! 

Joyce Myer says, “Watch out for the joy-stealers; gossip, criticism, complaining, faultfinding, and a negative judgmental attitude.”  Wrong thinking can cause you to lose your joy.  Bad thinking may come from the influence of other people.  The negative folks who don’t like anything and talk badly about everything are joy stealers and you need to keep guard.  This week I guarded myself from allowing these conversations to go in a negative direction.  In the spirit of full disclosure, I have been guilty of this myself!  This week I consciously changed the subject or turned the negative discussion into a positive one by pointing out something good.  Misery loves company and if you don’t partake in the direction of a conversation the conversation will either change or the person will lose interest and leave you alone. I’m speaking from experience from this past week.  It worked!

Psalm 84:7 says that God intends for us to “go from strength to strength”, but sometimes lately I struggle to get through difficulties, especially at work.  Many days I feel I’m going from struggle to struggle but what I realize is what I believe about the challenge makes a big difference.  This week I made a choice to look at each challenge differently.  This week, while safely inside my Angel protection bubble, I started to tell myself that I’m not just going through this but I’m growing through this.  I tell myself that I have all power to overcome, and go from strength to strength, because of Jesus.  I tell myself that God fills me with joy and peace while I learn what I need to learn from this.  This too shall pass but I have everything I need.  John C. Maxwell said, “Success is due to our stretching to the challenges of life.  Failure comes when we shrink from them.”  Knowing in my heart of hearts that I have what it takes to make it through any challenge is liberating and empowering.  It’s all in a matter of how we look at it. 

Do something incredibly helpful for someone else.  One of the most joyful actions we can take is to make someone else feel joy.  Bringing pleasure to another and witnessing their joy can have a wonderful effect back on you.  This boomerang joy will help plug a hole in the bucket.  Lewis Caroll said, “One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.”  Scientific studies show that helping others boosts happiness, increases life satisfaction, provides a sense of meaning, improves our mood and reduces stress.  Kindness towards others is the glue that connects us with people and is the key to creating happier and trusting relationships. This leads to a virtuous circle of feeling happy when you give which makes you give more and you feel happier.  Acts 20:35 says that it’s more blessed to give than to receive and there’s scientific proof to back that up.  This week I tried to find ways of doing something nice for someone else at work each day.  It helped me create positive feelings within myself and I could also help brighten someone else's day.

This week I was a girl in the bubble.  The morning bubble visualization grew with each passing day.  Towards the end of the week I transformed to Wonder Woman within the now steel bubble of protection with huge beautiful glowing luminescent angel wings surrounding the bubble.  I could tell a difference in the level of stress I felt by week’s end compared to the beginning.  This new morning prayer visualization is now part of my daily routine. I still don’t know how a little 15 pound dog can take up half the bed but I do know that my bucket is filling up! 

Results for the week:  -0.6 lbs lost; Total Lost: 37.4

D.O.W. = 217

Starting weight:  182.0; Current weight: 144.6


Anonymous said…
Excellent advice ! Put it to work immediately. Sometimes we are so bogged in stress that we need a reminder of these bible words. Put there so long ago but so true today and will be the reasons the young ones will make it in the future world no matter the decline. My Mom used it, shared it and I tucked it away in my mind. Thank you for renewing it once again. You are truly an example for all of us. Thanks dear friend. You are going to be successful at many things.
Anonymous said…
What a perfect analogy to get through life. I try to keep my bucket full at all times through prayer. I am so much happier! It's all in one's mindset and learning how to "let go and let God".
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you so much! It is amazing how words from the bible are still alive and hold true today. Thank you for your kind words!
Sandy Wade said…
Thank you so much! I work on saying that every day now, "let go and let God!"

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