Follow the Signs

Church of the Cross - Bluffton, South Carolina

Three years ago life brought us to South Carolina.  We stumbled across our church originally as tourists.  I found it on the internet under historic landmarks.  I looked at pictures of this place for months before we ventured across the country from Seattle.  I was captivated, for some reason, by this little historic building that sits proudly on the bluff by the May River.  I couldn’t wait to see it in person, and wasn’t really sure why.  I’ll never forget that hot summer afternoon, when Dan and I were playing tourists, and wondered into the building for the first time.  There was a historian working there, telling us about how the church was established 1767, and the building was built in 1857.  You can’t imagine my surprise to learn they actually still held church services there.  I honestly thought it was just an historic landmark.  Dan and I went the very next Saturday evening, and we’ve never stopped. 

Dan and I always believed in God, but we never attended church on a regular basis.  Honestly, Dan and I were what my Mom calls, “C and E’s.”  Those are the folks that attend church on Christmas and Easter.  We would also attend church whenever my parents would visit, but that was about it.  Now that’s changed.  This place holds some sort of magical force, which isn’t magic at all.  You can feel the spirit of God within the walls of this building.  You can feel the energy of the prayers that have been said within this place.  Sometimes, when I am sitting quietly in a pew, I can’t help but imagine that for hundreds of years people have been praying for the same things we are today.  There’s something oddly comforting in that.  The old building has withstood wars, hurricanes and fires.  It’s a place you feel protected and loved.  It’s a place that gives you a glimpse of what the energy must feel like in heaven.  Dan and I signed a card to join the church to make it official.

We built a new home after we moved here, and on the very night we were going to spend our first night sleeping in our new home, we received a phone call from Father Owens of the church.  He called us at the exact moment we were pulling into the driveway of our new home.  He wanted to meet us in person.  Dan and I made an appointment to meet with him a few days later.

I’ll never forget that first meeting.  Father Owens asked me a question no one has ever asked me before on a personal level.  “Where do you see yourself in five years?”  Clearly, I’ve been asked that in job interviews, and in those situations, the answer is the canned professional “climbing the corporate ladder… blah – blah -  blah.”  This was so very different and I honestly didn’t have an answer.  He also made a comment that hit me.  He told me I had a nice smile, but he added, “I just hope it’s real.” 

Did he know?  Could he tell?  The truth was that I wasn’t happy on the inside and wore a mask to hide the sadness.  I knew we moved to this part of the country because my Dad’s health was rapidly declining.  I felt lost in life and was struggling to find my purpose.  I also felt I was doing a really good job of hiding all of this from the world, with a fresh coat of lipgloss, and a bright smile.  Isn’t it funny, when you look back on how you get to where you are in life, and the series of interesting events that got you here?  Was it a coincidence?  I don’t think so.

Several months after my Dad passed away I was still struggling to get it together.  There was one particularly difficult church service, I was fighting to not cry through, on a Saturday night.  It was during that service they announced a healing service that was to be held the next day at church.  I decided to go. 

I went to the healing service the next day and sat there alone listening to the music.  I was planning on just observing the situation.  I had no intention of actually have anyone pray for me. I was just there to watch.  Towards the end of the service a kind woman came up to me and said she felt drawn to pray for me.  She asked if I would like prayer.  I thought, “What do I have to lose?” I couldn’t possibly feel any worse.  I explained that my Dad passed several months prior and I just can’t seem to move forward.  I told her that each day I feel stuck.  She began to pray.  She then looked into my eyes and said, “I feel you haven’t totally given your heart to God and surrendered to Him.  He wants all of you!  He wants you to fully surrender to Him!” 

If I’m totally honest, and you know I will be, I was a bit offended at first.  I thought, what are you talking about?  I believe in God.  We come to church every week.  I’m all about praying.  Why do you think I’m here?  Fast forward four months later, Dan is taking my picture on the bluff by this very church, because God told me to start this whole blog adventure.  I realize now what she was talking about.  I was so lost inside of my own head that I couldn’t really hear God’s word.  I was so busy putting on a mask that I couldn’t feel.  Breaking down the barriers of my heart, and allowing God to flow is what true surrender is.  I realize now that this journey has caused me to seek God’s guidance each week.  I have surrendered to God every week and opened my heart to what  He wants to teach me.  I see signs all around me now, guiding me on my path.  Am I “cured” of my weight struggle?  No way.  Have I fixed the problem?  Not even close.  But I do know I have a purpose now, and I am on the right path!

I believe in signs and I believe that everything happens for a reason.  Paulo Coelho said, “I believe in signs.  What we need to learn is always there before us, we just have to look around us with respect and attention to discover where God is leading us, and which step we should take.  When we are on the right path, we follow the signs, and if we occasionally stumble, the Divine comes to our aid, preventing us from making mistakes.”  Albert Einstein said, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” 

Today, here I am, in the process of writing a book.  I shared last week that God spoke to me and wants a portion of the proceeds from this book to go to build fresh water wells in Uganda for my cousin’s nonprofit organization.  That makes me feel so good, and so humbled, that I will be able to help in some way.  Last week I spoke to my cousin about the messages I received about my book helping her organization.  She shared with me that she was receiving a message as well, only she didn’t understand it until now.  God was waking her and giving her one word on how she was going to put in this well.  He said, “Book.”  She was so confused on what He was talking about.  She’s didn’t understand until our phone conversation.  God is amazing! 

I don’t believe in coincidences.  Wayne Dyer said, “In mathematics, two angles that are said to coincide fit together perfectly.  The word ‘coincidence’ does not describe luck or mistakes.  It describes that which fits together perfectly.”  Why was I so obsessed with this little old church, on the side of a river, over the internet?  Perhaps the masterplan was set in motion long before I was aware.  I now have that answer for what I see myself doing in the next five years, and I couldn’t be happier.  It’s crystal clear to me today.  I’ll always be a seeker.  I’ll forever try to learn.  My purpose is to help inspire other people on their weight loss journey.  I want to help others lose weight and find themselves.  I want to help other people heal the hurts and find their courage  to follow their dreams.  The lipgloss is still there but the smile now is real. 

Are you hiding behind a mask?  Are you faking a smile to hide your pain?  This week I pray for you.  I pray you find a way to fully surrender to God.  His healing power is waiting for you.  Allow God’s healing to flow through you.  Psalm 56:8 says, “Tears are prayers too.  They travel to God when we can’t speak.” 

Results for the week:  - 1.0 lbs lost; Total Lost: 44

D.O.W. = 378

Starting weight:  182.0; Current weight: 138.0


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