V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N.... In the summer sun!

This week I’m on vacation!  Yes, vacation – a week of sun filled family fun at a lake house with the entire family!  I could hear a collective gasp as I said those words.  Week seven is on vacation?!  Vacation means an abundance of food, drink and fun.  Vacation also usually means complete catastrophic disaster to any health and fitness plan.  I have faith that the foundation I’ve worked on over the past seven weeks has set me up for success to have a fun filled family vacation and still stay committed to my goal.  My question this week is how can I stay on track while traveling and on vacation?

My plan is simple, keep doing what I’ve been doing!  I plan to stay committed, focus on what’s been working for me so far and continue to log daily calories into "myfitnesspal", meeting my daily calories.  I will continue to work out for at least an hour every day; period.  No excuses.  I planned ahead and brought protein shakes with me as well as a healthy stash of my beloved Larabars so I could reach for those instead of goodies on the "snack" counter.  We found hotels with a fitness center to use during the two day drive there and on the two day drive back.  We found great hiking trails nearby the lake house.  It wasn't always easy, like the hike, it had it's challenges but I kept to my plan.
Dan & I also got a weekly pass at a gym just a few miles away.  My plan is to also focus on what vacation time is really about which is family time to disconnect from our busy lives and be with one another.  And my plan worked!  Vacation can be a time of renewal and healing; it doesn’t have to mean reckless abandon of your fitness goals.  It also helped that I have an extremely supportive husband and family.  One nephew encouraged me to hurry and get my walk in so I can bank enough calories for a margarita later!  I did meet my calorie and work out goals every single day, and it felt good!  I also had an amazing time with my family- and that felt even better!  I even had a few walking buddies one morning.
The days were active; we swam and kayaked.  I actually had the courage to try the paddleboards.  First just on my knees, but with a bit of time I was standing and  paddle boarded  with my niece quite a ways down the lake.  It was a blast and I never fell off!  I thought about how seven weeks ago, pre-blog journey, I would have stood on the shore and watched the others do this.  How many times before have I stood on the sidelines observing my life instead of being a true participant?  I'm no longer sidelining life; I'm in the game now.  This is my vacation vow.  This journey is now about so much more than a goal weight; it's about finding my voice and finding myself.  It's about living a life God wants me to live.
This family vacation was planned shortly after Dad passed away last summer.  Many of you already know the story but my Dad bravely battled cancer for years and towards the end it was painful to watch him fight till the very end.  My entire family was blessed to be able to all be together for several days leading up to his passing.  We were all together under the same roof, living together like when we were little girls.  We were taking turns keeping night watch on Dad, attending to his needs, while we took turns sleeping.  It was a blessed painful amazing time of love.  It brought all of us even closer together.  The weeks and months that followed we were all going through the grieving process and I quickly realized that I also was grieving not being together like we were during those precious days prior.  That's when Mom decided to rent a big huge lake house for everyone to come together again.  We have a new family member that we take turns holding on the porch and just be together.  I know Dad is here; he loved nothing more than family time.

This week a dear friend sent me a poem that is oh so fitting to my blog, this journey and this particular week. It represents my healing journey in the rain…

But it’s all right
When you’re all in pain
And you feel the rain come down
Oh it’s all right
When you find your way
Then you see it disappear
Oh it’s all right
Through your garden’s gray
I know all your graces
Someday will flower
Oh Oh in a sweet sunshower
In a sweet sunshower
~Chris Cornell~

I went on an hour and a half hike alone the afternoon after I received this poem and took this picture.  I was thinking about my Dad and thinking about all that’s happened this past year.  I miss my Dad so much but I know he was here with us this past week.  I realized I’m walking through my own sunshower. 



Results for the week:  3.0 lbs lost; Total Lost = 15


gjbApacheJunction said…
You touch my heart. Family is the best way to face life. You are doing wonderfully.

Sandy Wade said…
Thank you so very much

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