What are you eating?

Many have asked for more specifics on what I'm eating so this is a bonus posting.  I made my Fitness Pal food diary public so you can look at that with this link.  If you join myfitnesspal (it's free) you can "friend" me and we can follow each other's progress and diary which is very encouraging when you see what your buddies are doing with meeting their calorie goal each day and workouts.  My user name is swade444.  http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/swade444

Bottom line is I count all calories and log my workouts into this app.  The more calories you burn the more calories you are allotted for the day.  My goal is to meet my calorie goal each day.  I set my settings to lose 2 lbs per week and it tells you, based on your current weight, how many calories you are allowed.  I tell myself that nothing is "forbidden" and this isn't a diet.  I allow myself to eat anything I want but I have to be honest about portion size and log every bite into this app.  I specifically measure food the first few times and then eyeball it.  I do periodically measure to make sure I'm calibrated so a piece of grilled chicken that is actually 6 oz doesn't get counted at 3 oz. 

Clearly this has made me reach for things that are high in nutrition and lower in calories to help fill me up.  Something may taste great, like a huge chocolate chip cookie, but I may not want to blow that many calories on that.  Primarily I need to be gluten free, not so much out of choice but because I have digestive track issues that seems to stay in remission when I stay away from gluten.  I will have some 1 - 2 times a week but that's all and it doesn't seem to bother me. 

I try to eat GOD MADE foods as much as possible.  If it comes in a package and has been overly processed with chemicals, I try to stay clear.  I try to go for lean proteins and veggies as the main part for every meal adding fruit to my snacks.  I stay away from breads & pasta type stuff.  I drink as much water as I can and track it as well.  My goal is at least 8 glasses.  This is all common sense, we've been on every diet.  I do eat healthy fats and try to add something avocado every day because I love them!  I love those 100 calorie guacamole packs because they are so good and I'll use them on a toss salad at dinner as the dressing with a piece of chicken or other protein.  


Here are some of my main go-to items.  Premier Protein is a shake that's already made and it's great for grab-n-go for breakfast.  At only 160 calories and 30g of protein they taste amazing and fill me up.  I'll often have one as a snack and keep a few at work.  It's the only shake that doesn't taste like chalk to me.  I love vanilla and chocolate.  You can buy them at Sam's or Costco in a case of 12 at a time. 

Ground Flaxseed has a nutty flavor  and is full of amino acids and fiber - which you know what that helps with!  (enough said...)  I sprinkle it on oatmeal, add to sautéed veggies or top a salad with it.  It's also really good with yogurt.  There's a desert I like to make with a cut up apple.  Microwave it, add flax and sugar free maple syrup.  (It tastes like an apple pie desert and I love it.)  The fiber helps fill me up and I don't seem to get as hungry.

 Larabar bars are really good and I reach for these for a snack and especially if I need something sweet.  They are made with real ingredients and are gluten free.  Some have 190 calories and some have 220 but they are made with real foods and taste great!  They've helped satisfy cravings and I don't feel deprived.  It's worth the calories when an apple or banana just won't do it!

Clearly diets don't work- if they did it wouldn't be a bazillion dollar industry.  I want this to be about eating healthy, eating God made food, eating a balanced diet, avoid processed sugary fatty crappy stuff that doesn't make me feel that great anyway.  I stay real & true by counting the calories so I keep myself in check no matter what I end up reaching for.  I used to snack and taste while cooking dinner and if I tracked the calories, I'd have eaten most of my dinner's calories in just cooking it.  Holding myself accountable for each & every bite is the plan.

This week I plan to continue tracking what I'm eating but to also focus on what's eating me.  Why do I want to eat when I'm not hungry?  Why?   Hopefully I'll find out!  I have to if this healing is going to go all the way! 


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